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Climate Management

Climate Management

‘’We help growers to create a profitable business in a sustainable way’’, ‘’An optimum growth climate under all conditions’’

Computers monitor the control processes at greenhouse horticulture companies. From climate control to water technology and from energy management to very specific processes: at Codema you can be sure of the best and most reliable process control systems.

Creating a climate

To get your crops growing properly and with optimum efficiency, you need to have accurate control of your greenhouse climate. Light, temperature, air humidity and CO2 concentration need to be effectively adjusted to one another, and preferably as accurately as possible. You also want to be able to control the influence of the wind, rain and sunshine on the internal climate.

The more accurately you can control the internal climate in your greenhouse, the more beneficial this is for your crops. This gives you influence over both the growth of your crops, and the prevention of diseases and crop damage by parasites. Codema supplies a range of systems and devices for monitoring and controlling the greenhouse climate: from traditional measuring boxes to highly sensitive sensors and from air treatment to advanced controls. All of these assist you in creating the ideal internal climate, from the beginning to the end.

We have been a a partner of Hoogendoorn, the global leader when it comes to horticultural applications, for many years. Hoogendoorn is a trendsetter in the use of computer technology in greenhouse horticulture. As a Hoogendoorn partner, Codema is capable of implementing, commissioning and maintaining your system well.

Irrigation & Greenhouse Process Computer