Contact our specialist: Codema Logice (Wholesale Solution)

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Codema Logice (Wholesale Solution)

Trading companies have a higher yield on their turnover with SDF Logice. Logice is a package that enables you to manage the entire process. Next to that, it also enables you, within a single package, to have simple insight on all actions that are relevant: offers, orders, sales, tracking inventory, distribution, purchasing and invoicing.

Logice is most used by:

  • Wholesalers
  • Exporters
  • Commissionaires
  • Cash & carry
  • Line drivers
  • Garden centers
  • Flower binders and flower dyers
  • Importers
  • Producer organizations


  • A quick understanding of (financial) performance and current situation
  • Inventory system always up to date
  • Interfaces with other companies possible (customers, suppliers, auction, and transportation)
  • Modular construction of the software
  • Control box logistics from the office
  • Direct sales through the webshop or sent price lists
  • Internationally deployable