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Privacy statement

Collecting and using personal data from clients, suppliers and other contractors

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that we will collect and use the personal data you provide to us because this is necessary to enter into and execute any agreements with you. This applies both to our current and potential customers and to parties from whom we purchase items and/or services.

If you are a current or potential customer of ours, we will use your data to send a quotation to you, to determine what specifications or wishes a certain item or service must satisfy, to deliver items or perform work for you, for billing and to communicate smoothly and efficiently about aspects of executing the agreement.

If you are a (potential) supplier or other contractor, your personal data will also be necessary for entering into and executing agreements. For purchasing, this is necessary to be able to inform you of what specifications or wishes and certain item or service must meet for our purposes, to be able to send a quotation request or to place an order with you, to be able to pay your invoices and communicate with you smoothly and efficiently about other aspects of the agreement.

It is not mandatory that you provide personal data to us. However, if you do not provide any, or inadequate personal data to us, it is possible that we will not be able to do the work mentioned above.

 Transfer to third parties

In connection with the performance of any agreement with you, it is possible that we will need to provide your personal data to parties that supply parts, materials and products to us, or perform work on our behalf. Further, we use Microsoft Office and the associated storage options for emails and other files. Because we make use of a newsletter emailing service, lastly your personal data will be transferred to the provider of this service.

Direct marketing

If you have given us permission for this, we will save the personal data you have given and use it in the future to keep you personally informed by email of our existing and new products and services, and possibly make you an offer for these. Every time we send an advertising email, you have the option of informing us that you no longer want to receive such emails. To do this, see the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each mailing.

Personal data retention period

If you have requested a quotation from us but you have not become a customer of ours, we will delete your data within one year after our last contact. Likewise, if we have received a quotation from you, but we have not become a customer of yours, we will delete your personal data within one year after our last contact. If you have become a customer of ours, or we of yours, we will save your personal data for the duration of seven years after the end of the fiscal year in which the agreement is completed with you in full. The period of seven years corresponds to the period for which we are required to save our records for the Tax and Customs Administration. After this period elapses, we will delete your personal data.

Your rights

You are entitled to ask us to see your own personal data. If there is cause for this, you can also ask us to supplement your personal data or to change errors. You also have the right to ask us to delete your personal data or to limit the use of your personal data. You can also make an objection to us against the collection and use of your data, or submit a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Finally, you can ask us to obtain your personal data or to transfer these data to another party. To exercise your rights, you can contact:

Codema Systems Group
Attn. the Management
Oosteindsepad 8
2661 EP Bergschenhoek

Telephone: +31(0)10-5122755
Email: privacy@codemasystemsgroup.com

For questions or for more information about collecting and using your personal data, you can of course also contact us.

Also read our Cookie statement