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Codema joins as a partner of information and education center Tomatoworld in Honselersdijk

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Events 2018

This season Codema will participate at several events in Holland and abroad
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Two truths about legal large-scale cannabis cultivation

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A Memorandum of Understanding for future close collaboration between CAU Futong and Codema

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We look forward to seeing you at the Greentech

More than 800 stands at the Greentech and yet you will not miss our stand this year. Why? We keep that a secret for a little while longer. Visit stand 08.330 and be surprised!
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New Codema WEVAB webshop online

Today, Codema WEVAB will launch their new webshop; www.tuincentrumtafels.nl, at GRS Beurs in Boskoop. With the new online webshop, customers are not only informed about the complete range of WEVAB products, but they also get inspired.
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New sales team CODEMA B-E De Lier BVBA, Belgium

A renewed sales team started at CODEMA B-E De Lier BVBA at Sint-Katelijne Waver, Belgium this summer. The new team will expand sales activities and will modernize project management.
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Collaboration Philips Lighting’s Horti LED and Codema at Vivaio Peters

Entire lighting installation Vivaio Peters installed by Philips Lighting’s Horti LED partner Codema B-E de Lier.
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Second edition Codema Cross, August 30th.

After a successful first edition of the Codema Experience Day, Codema organizes a second edition of the Codema Cross at August 30th.
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Codema Academy; Codema Experience Day

Codema is looking for new colleagues who are ambitious to start a career in the horticulture sector at Codema. Because Codema believes in equal opportunities for everyone, Codema decided to launch the Codema Academy.

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Symbolic moment for Schenkeveld

Yesterday was a very special day for the founders of Schenkeveld, Jan and Peter Schenkeveld. Together they placed the first glass plate on the first block of the project in Rijsenhout.
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Seminar on Medicinal Cannabis in Tel Aviv

Israel and the Netherlands have good trade relations for many years. Yesterday, several companies gathered in Tel Aviv for a seminar on horticulture with main focus; Medicinal Cannabis.
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New Codema video online

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New registration system SDF Verifice; efficient and reliable

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Renewed composition Codema’s Board of Directors

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First Subsol automated control unit deployed

In the first couple of years of the Westland ASR-pilot, regular visits to the field site were required to adjust the operation of the system and obtain data of its operation.
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Doing Business With Codema, Expert voor alles wat in de kas gebeurt

Codema, Expert voor alles wat in de kas gebeurt
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EfficeKweker update

Voor het up to date houden van uw EfficeKweker pakket en daarmee direct de uitbreiding van de QR-code op de aanvoerbrief kunt u nu uw pakket zelf updaten. Hiervoor kunt u via de onderstaande link de Setup downloaden naar uw eigen computer waar het EfficeKweker programma op draait en uitvoeren.
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Maarten de Jager te gast bij het journaal van nlgroeit

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Urban Waterbuffer

Met de Urban Waterbuffer wordt gestreefd om het regenwater in stedelijk gebied te zuiveren en langer vast te houden, zonder te conflicteren met functies aan maaiveld. Lees verder hoe onze partner de heer Koen Zuurbier (KWR) zijn licht werpt over dit onderwerp.
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Chris Buijink, voorzitter van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken, bracht in het kader van de Dag van de Ondernemer een werkbezoek aan Codema Systems Group in Bergschenhoek.

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Versie Informatie Profice WIN197-191

Er staat nieuw versie documentatie voor u gereed. U kunt deze informatie vinden op onze download pagina.

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SUBSOL promotional film premiered at the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition in Brisbane

The film was broadcasted at the launch of the Watershare Community of Practice (CoP) on Subsurface Water Solutions. Have a look and find out what Subsol is all about in just four minutes...
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Garden Centre “De Bosrand” is up and running

Garden centre “De Bosrand” has been founded in 1980 at Wassenaar and originally started as a bulb grower. As the company grows the founders started wholesaling their products what lead to retailing as well.
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Hofland Freesia starts with CODEMA SDF Software

Kwekerij Hofland Freesia startte recent met digitaal zakendoen op basis van SDF VMP. Na kwekerij Jac. Oudijk B.V., Staticespecialist en Together2Grow is het bedrijf de vierde snijbloemenkweker van Decorum die met CODEMA SDF VMP van start is gegaan.
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Newly build innovation centre SESVanderHave is now up and running

SESVanderHave is an unique sugar beet seed company, committed to making sugar beet growing and sugar production a healthy business. Through responsive research, teamwork and partnerships, they are able to offer reliable seed solutions for the sugar beet industry and growers.
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Tien keer meer alstroemeria’s verkocht dankzij nieuwe software

Alstroemeriakwekerij Together2Grow heeft in de laatste 6 maanden een vertienvoudiging meegemaakt van het aantal stelen dat digitaal wordt verkocht. De stap naar SDF VMP een klein jaar geleden blijkt een gouden greep te zijn geweest.
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Aurora to construct advanced cannabis production facility in Alberta

Aurora Cannabis announces that it has completed the design, engineering and tender process for the construction of the first phase of a 600,000 sq. ft. fully automated greenhouse to be built in Alberta, Canada by her partners KUBO, Verkade, PB, Codema and Priva.
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Wayland Developments aims to supply high-quality irrigation water

Wayland Developments recently contracted the Subsol consortium members B-E de Lier and KWR Watercycle Research Institute to explore, design, and eventually implement SWS to supply high-quality irrigation water to a 73 hectares large greenhouse area in Waddinxveen (The Netherlands).
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Ondergrondse wateropslag helpt tegen wateroverlast

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Aardwarmteproject Vogelaer start aanleg boorlocatie

Na een lange voorbereiding is het aardwarmteproject Vogelaer inmiddels gestart met de aanleg van de boorlocatie in Poeldijk. Het project omvat het realiseren van een aardwarmtedoublet, waarvan de bron op een diepte van 2.500 meter ligt.
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DataWarehouse voor KP Holland

Codema SDF start in samenwerking met KP Holland met de ontwikkeling van het DataWarehouse. Met het DataWarehouse kunnen grote hoeveelheden berekende data binnen een fractie van een seconde worden geraadpleegd.
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Automated Chinese greenhouse promotes safe organic food

Lüwochuan farm is an automated high-tech plastic greenhouse, located in Taizhou China, where organic leafy vegetables are cultivated. The aim of owner Mr. Zhu is to ensure that all Chinese citizens have access to healthy fresh organic food that is reliable
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Subsurface water solution for a climate proof fresh water supply

Subsurface Water Solutions for a climate-proof freshwater supply - Featured speaker @GreenTechAmsterdam2016
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