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Software & Web Solutions

Software & Web Solutions

Codema develops and produces operating software for logistic, climate and energy installations. Good communications, low cost, easy to use and quality are at the top of our list.

You must be able to rely on the guidance system of all technical installations in your company. Mechanical systems not only have to ‘do what they have to do’, they also have to provide information for operational management. With them you can anticipate developments in cultivation, processing, purchasing, sales and the market, flexibly and efficiently.

We have developed an integrated ERP and WMS system specially designed for the horticultural industry. State-of-the-art Vision Systems can be connected, specifically developed, to grade and sort all kinds of crops. With over 30 years of experience in and focus on horticulture, we knows what’s going on. In general, our software solutions can be categorized as follows:


Management info systems

Sales and order processing are key factors for the success of any business. Many hundreds of large and smaller nurseries use our order software, which has been specially developed for the horticultural industry. Planning using the software makes it possible to plan your resources better and organize your operation in a pro-active way. It will also give you a precise insight about your future product availability. The packages put you in total control on crop production and all your costs, including labor, space, water, nutrients and energy.


Warehouse management

Many nurseries in Europe are using our Warehouse Management System. This system provides a complete overview of the greenhouse indicating the actual position of your crops. It also allows you to control the movements of your machines and crops just by a click of the mouse. The combination of planning and control provided by our software enables you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your own business and processes. In addition, modern logistical systems, such as container and delivery systems can be managed and controlled using our systems.


Vision systems

SDF Vision Systems is the worldwide supplier of the state of the art grading cameras to process living organisms, such as plants and flowers. We have developed a software package which integrates with the grading camera thus enabling automated collection of crop data. The vision system can be installed an integrated or stand-alone system. Hundreds of systems are up and running in many different settings around the world




DataWarehouse SDF
Codema Virtual Marketplaces
Codema Webshop (Online sales)
Codema Vision Systems (Grading and Sorting)
Codema Logice (Wholesale Solution)
Codema Profice (Logistics Control)