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Power & Lighting

Power & Lighting

Reliable and advanced solutions for all imaginable electro technical systems’’

 The electrical system forms the basis of your operations. An effective electrical connection is a simple necessity to enable all of your company’s installations to function.

Optimum integration of electro technical systems

We partner you right from the first consultation. That sense of involvement increases the return on and effectiveness of your investment. After all, what counts is the optimum integration of interacting elements such as a process computer, assimilation lighting systems, other electro technical installations and related solutions for energy management.’

Greenhouse operations are heavily depending on more and more electrical appliances and electronics to their businesses. This demands a reliable power supply. Any brief or extended power failure may have a major impact on the crop. Codema provides reliability for your business’s electrical systems. Electrical engineering is an important link in the business operations of greenhouse cultivators. For that reason, Codema has a separate Electrical Engineering division, where enthusiastic engineers design, develop and deliver each project down to the smallest detail.



It is hardly to imagine in the modern horticulture sector without grow light. Not only growers of young plant material and ornamental plants, but also vegetable nurseries make use of available options to artificially extend the period of daylight. The light’s uniformity and the light output are important to achieve the highest possible yield. Codema helps you to achieve the highest possible yield for your situation. This can be done in various ways, not only by installing more light. You can also achieve a higher yield by making smart choices. For example:

•  using different reflectors

•  choosing a different color spectrum

•  adding led-lighting

•  switching luminaries

At Codema we consider the return and long-term aspects of your business. Then conventional lighting seems less economical: it generates a low output of light, different to electronic luminaries. Because electronic luminaries are regulated by a circuit board, energy can be saved in the long-term.


What is the best lighting solution for your nursery?

Codema examines your specific situation to find out how the highest yield can be obtained. With use of a lighting plan, we look to find the best solution together with the client. We are happy to advise you in the possibilities to optimize your crop or cultivation.


Custom-made light recipes for growers

‘’Codema is your partner for LED and Hybrid lighting’’

The farming method of the future is here. Optimize your growth systems with LED for sustainable crop cultivation, all year round. Custom-made light recipes mean faster growth, bigger harvests, and higher quality plants. The complete product range from Philips is available at Codema. Codema and Philips entered an exclusive partnership into the field of LED in 2011. This means that both parties share their knowledge and experience with each other to come up with the most efficient solution for the majority of crops in greenhouses. Philips has been developing ways to apply lighting technology to crop farming for over 75 years. With cutting-edge LED innovations at our command, they can custom-build a science-based solution for you.

Light technology vertical farming
Light technology for breeding
Light technology for nurseries
Light technology for potted plants
Light technology for cut flowers