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Wim Scheers, Belgium, 2018

36.000m 2

Wim Scheers: ‘we choose Codema’s years of experience and lighting expertise’

Wim Scheers, Belgium, 2018

36,000 m2

Floweros nursery Scheers is one of the largest players on the Belgian market with 14 rose varieties and with a surface area of ​​38,000m². The majority is sold at the “Euroveiling” in Brussels. In addition, they also sell to private individuals. In their yard there’s a rose dispenser, which is filled with fresh roses 24/7. People from all over the area visit Scheer’s flower nursery. Scheers was one of the first rose growers in Belgium to use LED and until today he still has no regrets.


LED’s to lower the heat output

Because Scheers grows roses of high quality, it’s very important that the greenhouse doesn’t get too hot. In 2015 Wim chose to hang Philips GreenPower LED Toplighting between the Son-T lighting. Wim Scheers: ” The Son-T lighting created too much heat in the greenhouse. I even had to turn off Son-T’s to make sure the temperature remained the same. When only the LED’s are lit, 50% less heat is produced compared to the old system. This allowes us to make better use of the heat which is generated by the CHP. The light output isn’t affected by the fact that I use LED’s. Thanks to the ‘cool’ advantages of the LED top lighting, I’m able to turn on the lighting more hours per year . The lighting is constant and the roses production has just remained the same.”


Wise lesson for other growers

Wim Scheers has been a Codema customer for years. “Codema offered the right solution for our heat problem. They’ve years of experience and expertise on this field. The collaboration with Codema went very well and without doubt we would choose Codema again as a supplier. ”
Wim Scheers has a wise lesson for other growers: “If you invest in lighting, invest in generating electricity with a CHP. In this way you can keep the heat in the greenhouse constant and this results in a higher yield.”